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AggieOpen Fellows Application

How to Apply

Components of Application

AggieOpen encourages potential applicants to contact the review team ( prior to the submission deadline for assistance in project development. Librarians are available for consultation to help identify openly licensed resources for adoption or adaptation.

  • Instructor information (name, position, department, etc.)
  • Course information (enrollment, number of sections, etc.)
  • Project information:
    • What is the nature of the open materials you plan to incorporate into your course (open textbook, open access monograph, etc.)?  
    • What modifications will be needed for the existing materials (if any), and/or what new material will need to be created to fill in missing content?
    • What challenges or barriers do you anticipate in transitioning from your current course materials to openly licensed resources? If applicable, discuss any internal approval required within your department.
    • What are the potential benefits to students in this course if you transition to open educational materials? If applicable, discuss any plans to involve students in the development of open educational resources.
    • How does the project advance diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and/or a sense of belonging for students from historically marginalized populations?

Review Process

Applications will be reviewed by members of the AggieOpen Steering Committee for alignment with the objectives of the AggieOpen program. Reviewers will include library representatives, students, faculty and instructors. 

Priority funding will be given to projects that: 

  • impact students in a General Education course or other high-enrollment courses; 
  • projects that engage students in the content creation process; 
  • and/or those which address curriculum or content gaps in existing openly licensed educational materials.

Support from the Library 

Fellows Cohort

Successful applicants will be part of a cohort. There will be two synchronous meetings in the Spring Quarter 2025 for fellows to consult with experts, showcase their projects, and discuss issues related to their work with the cohort. Fellows will also be asked to participate in an asynchronous Canvas course module related to open licensing use and attribution, inclusive learning, and accessibility standards for open educational resources. 


Fellows will have access to Librarians and the Scholarly Communications Officer for assistance with finding OER materials for their curriculum, identifying appropriately licensed media (images, video, etc.), and the use of Creative Commons licensing.